Cultural Awareness

Cultural Awareness

Grow Your Team Sales cover

Cultural Awareness is a one-day workshop for individuals who have mobilised globally, or who are leading or working with a diverse workforce. This interactive course focuses on the four key competencies for cross culture adaptability.

Training type Blended learning
Duration 1 day
Modules 4
Who attends All staff
Cultural Awareness cover

Key Outcomes

  • Develop flexibility and openness in dealing with others

  • Be able to reflect on your own inner values and positive attitude

  • Use “active listening” to communicate effectively

  • Recognise how to maintain your sense of identity

Course Format

This course is delivered as blended learning, combining workshops and online tools.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and explore issues relating to the course topics and consider ways in which they have encountered these issues in their work. During the workshops, participants will experience “real” situations and scenarios to transfer the theory of the course into practice.

The course includes an online cultural awareness pre-assessment and a series of interactive tools. Participants can access training support tools through the AncoraHub during and after workshops, for ongoing post-training support.

Course Content

  • Module 1 – Personal Autonomy

    In this module, participants will work to clarify the personal values that keep them grounded and identify what is important to them. They will look at how to maintain their identity and learn how to take appropriate actions based on their own values.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Recognise how to maintain your sense of identity
  • Module 2 – Perception

    In this module, participants will learn how to communicate effectively. They will practice “active listening” to develop an understanding of what they hear, asking questions when they do not understand what is being communicated. Participants will learn to recognise the importance of knowing how to ask for information when they are not understood.

    • Be able to practice “active listening”
    • Know how to ask for information when you are not understood
  • Module 3 - Flexibility and Openness

    The focus of this module is for participants to learn how to interact with people who are different to themselves. They will learn how to develop flexibility and openness to understand and adapt in these situations.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Develop flexibility and openness in dealing with others
  • Module 4 - Emotional Resilience

    Through this module, participants will gain insights into their own self-awareness and consider the areas they could improve, or develop, when building new relationships. It will help participants recognise their strengths and ability to bounce back in unfamiliar environments.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Identify areas to improve, or develop, when building new relationships
    • Visualise tasks using the wheel of time management

Book it!

Get in touch for more information on booking this course for your team.


For more information on any of our services, contact us to find out what we can do for you.

Ancora Talent Solutions
6-9 Trinity Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

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