Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Effective Communication cover

Effective Communication is a half day workshop to learn the skills and techniques essential for communicating effectively in the workplace. Using the “coach approach” to communication, this interactive course will help you to understand the importance of interpersonal skills and effective workplace communication, and how these strategies can develop your own potential for success.

Training type Blended learning
Duration 0.5 day
Modules 2
Who attends All staff
Effective Communication cover

Key Outcomes

  • Summarise what communication is and outline how to clearly get your message across

  • Describe different ways communication can take place

  • Recognise your own communication style and how to influence others

  • Apply various techniques and strategies for effective communication

Course Format

This interactive workshop incorporates group activities, discussions, and an in-class questionnaire to support the understanding of personal communication style.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and explore issues relating to the course topics and consider ways in which they have encountered these issues in their work. During the workshop, participants will experience “real” situations and scenarios to transfer the theory of the course into practice.

Course Content

  • Module 1 – The Communication Process

    Through this module, participants will explore the theory behind the communication process and learn how to use effective communication to get the right message across. Participants will look at the impact of verbal and non-verbal communication, and the importance of establishing rapport to build credibility and influence.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Outline the communication process
    • Apply the key principles of effective communication
    • Recognise the verbal and non-verbal power of communication strategy
  • Module 2 – Communication Techniques

    In this module, participants will learn how to apply communication techniques that support active listening and assertiveness in challenging conversations. They will develop a self-awareness of their own communication style and how to deal with different communication styles.

    • Implement communication techniques to support active listening and assertiveness
    • Describe interpersonal communication and conflict styles
    • Recognise how to deal with different communication styles

Book it!

Get in touch for more information on booking this course for your team.


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Ancora Talent Solutions
6-9 Trinity Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

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