iCare Career Coaching

iCare Career Coaching

iCare Career Coaching cover

The iCARE Career Coaching programme offers practical support to career advancement. Designed to take individuals through the job search process, iCARE also helps individuals to up-skill, identify blockers, and find the path to career success.

Training type Coaching
Duration Flexible
Modules N/a
Who attends Open to all
iCare Career Coaching cover

About our Coaching

This self-development coaching programme provides:

  • Coaching as a support intervention

  • Access to a qualified coach

  • A confidential and secure environment

Coaching intervention is at agreed key dates and times. The programme includes one-to-one coaching in person, via Skype, phone, or email. The coachee will also have access to digital tools on the AncoraHub.

Why it Helps

Coaching builds a relationship between the coach and the coachee (you). It provides an opportunity for you to explore what you want to do career-wise, and how you can make it happen. Coaching enables you to find a path to a job or career, explore the job search process, and identify areas you need to improve to find success.

The iCARE Career Coaching programme is a structured programme that covers the five stages of the career advancement journey:

  • Information

    Who are you? We explore your skills, interests and ambitions.

  • Career

    Where are you going? We look at your career goals and personal goals.

  • Action

    How will you get there? We identify what action you need to take.

  • Real

    How can it happen? We work through the job application process.

  • Engage

    Make it happen! Discover how to implement your plan.

The programme provides a space to discuss your career ambitions. Through discussion, evaluation and a focus on key important issues, the coaching sessions will enable the coachee to identify how to overcome the challenges of carving their preferred career path.

How it Works

The iCARE Career Coaching programme is tailored for you. It is about helping you, as an individual, find and achieve your chosen career goals. The period of coaching depends on how long you need and want the support, and the flow of discussion is targetted to help you on your specific career path. The iCARE programme follows the five stage structure and process:

  • 1. Who are you?

    In this first stage, we explore who you are; your personality, values, skills and interests.

  • 2. Where are you going?

    To work towards a career plan, we identify your career goals, personal goals and review your CV.

  • 3. How will you get there?

    The next stage is to determine how to get there. We look at your education needs, training needs and your connections, to see how what action you should take.

  • 4. How can it happen?

    We work through the job application process; learning how to deal with rejection or success, the workings of the interview process, and examine what to expect.

  • 5. Making it happen!

    We help you implement your plan, through learning how to stay positive, communicate effectively and how to be prepared.

Get the Job!

If you would like career coaching support for career advancement, get in touch to see how we can help you get your perfect job.


For more information on any of our services, contact us to find out what we can do for you.

Ancora Talent Solutions
6-9 Trinity Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

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