Time Management

Time Management

Time Management cover

Time Management is a one-day course that will show you how to plan, prioritise and improve your performance. Using coaching tools designed specifically to help you refine your time management skills, this interactive course will bring clarity and effective solutions to the blockers that take up your time.

Training type Blended learning
Duration 1 day
Modules 4
Who attends All staff
Time Management cover

Key Outcomes

  • Demonstrate techniques to plan your time effectively

  • Recognise the benefits of prioritising, planning and performing through time management

  • Apply the technique of urgent/important matrix planning

  • Demonstrate the benefits of working with SMART goals

Course Format

This course is delivered as blended learning, combining workshops and online tools.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and explore issues relating to the course topics and consider ways in which they have encountered these issues in their work. During the workshops, participants will experience “real” situations and scenarios to transfer the theory of the course into practice.

This course uses a series of interactive coaching tools designed to hone time management skills. Participants can access these tools through the AncoraHub during and after workshops, for ongoing post-training support.

This course can also be taken as a self-paced elearning module.

Course Content

  • Module 1 – The Three P’s – Prioritise, Plan and Perform

    This module outlines the benefits of effective time management and introduces the “three P’s” of time management: Plan, Prioritise, Perform.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Identify personal power assets
    • Create an action plan to develop those skills to become more successful
  • Module 2 – Prioritise

    Through this module, participants will learn techniques for putting tasks in priority order.

    • Demonstrate how to break tasks down into chunks
    • Visualise tasks using the wheel of time management
  • Module 3 – Plan

    This module focuses on planning techniques. Participants will learn how to set goals to inform a plan, using SMART goal setting techniques.

    • Use a planning matrix to refine a plan
  • Module 4 – Perform

    In this final interactive module, participants will have the opportunity to put their time management skills into action. Through exploring the benefits of setting SMART goals, participants practice techniques to improve time management skills.

    • Demonstrate how to set SMART goals

Book it!

Get in touch for more information on booking this course for your team.


For more information on any of our services, contact us to find out what we can do for you.

Ancora Talent Solutions
6-9 Trinity Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

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